高速度赤外カメラを用いたアーク溶接の可視化最前線 related product X6981 SLS / X6901sc SLS The FLIR X6981 SLS / X6901sc SLS is an extraordinarily fast, highly sensitive LWIR camera designed for scientists, researchers, and engineers. The strained layer superlattice (SLS) detector offers shorter snapshot speeds, wider temperature bands, and better uniformity than current LWIR or MWIR alternatives. MORE A8581 FLIR A8581 MWIR cameras provide the crisp imagery, accurate temperature measurement, and streamlined analysis features needed for industrial, military, and manufacturing R&D applications. MORE A6701 Designed for electronics inspections, manufacturing monitoring, scientific research, and non-destructive testing, the FLIR A6701 MWIR camera is ideal for high-speed thermal events and fast-moving targets. Short exposure times allow users to freeze motion and achieve accurate temperature measurements. MORE X8581 The FLIR X8501 is a highly sensitive, high-speed, high definition MWIR camera designed for scientists, researchers, and engineers. It has all the features needed for research and science: from on-camera RAM/SSD recording to a four-position motorized flter wheel. MORE Category #赤外線ハイスピードカメラ #High-speed heat propagation imaging solutions #Infrared high-speed camera #High-speed infrared camera #Metal Processing #welding Related solutions High-speed heat propagation imaging By analyzing high-speed heat propagation, we contribute to the quality evaluation of material durability, wear, and strain, as well as to research into the development of new materials. MORE